Opening Hours



Day Opening Times
Monday 8.00am - 6.30pm
Tuesday 8.00am - 6.30pm
Wednesday 8.00am - 6.30pm
Thursday 8.00am - 6.30pm
Friday 8.00am - 6.30pm
Saturday CLOSED
Sunday CLOSED 

Registered GP Practice: We run surgeries each weekday morning and evening.

Please either book an appointment online or contact our reception team on 01708 202621

Post Operative Care: (Havering GP registered patients over the age of 16)

We run pre-bookable appointments which are available weekdays please contact our reception team to book

Tel: 01708 202621. Please state which site the appointment is for.


Havering Hub

If you are registered with a Havering GP you can access the Havering Hub.

  • Monday - Friday 18:30 - 22:00
  • Saturday and Sunday 08:00 - 20:00

The aim is to improve access to GP led services through a single unit, outside of contracted GP hours and to provide extended primary medical services in a safe environment for staff and patients.

A patient journey through the system will see the patient calling NHS 111, being triaged and, if appropriate, offered a face to face urgent appointment with a GP. The patient will receive an allocated time slot and be booked in by 111. When they arrive at the HUB site they will be greeted by a receptionist and seen by the GP. Patient details will be recorded on a template and sent to the patient’s own GP by 9am the next morning so that the registered GP is aware.

If you have a minor illness please speaks to your local pharmacy who may be able to assist.


 When We Are Closed

 Planned Closures and Bank Holidays